Christmas Countdown

Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Spiders are one of the most fascinating creatures ever.
Spiders have eight legs, 4pairs on each side. Male spiders are smaller than female spiders. They have two body parts, one of them is called cephalothorax it’s the head and the chest joined. There is also the abdomen the other part of the body. The abdomen keeps its lungs, heart and guts. Have you seen a spider? Its fat, hairy and big and its even got claws on the very tip of its legs.
Spiders live almost everywhere around the world. They live in webs, burrows, houses, trees, flowers and even underwater crazy! Spiders can survive anywhere but Antarctica as long as they have food.
Spiders eat lots of things. They can eat blood, insects and other spiders.
Spiders are not insects they are blue blooded arachnids and so are scorpions. Spiders do not hurt you because spiders are scared of you. Without spiders the insect population will go out of control and disease will spread around. 

Spiders have seven types of silk; one of the silk is for wrapping their eggs so they can be safe. Some silk can be sticky, slimy, transparent and even underwater. There are many types of spiders, you can see them in the corner of your house, and you can also see it almost everywhere. Here are some types of spiders. Daddy long legs, white tailed, grey house spider, nelson cave spider, harvestman spider tarantula, wolf spider. Not all spiders make webs. 

These creepy creatures have survived over 300 years. If you break a spider’s leg you don’t have to worry about it because spider legs can always grow back.
So next time you want to kill a spider think about what you are doing.

By Michelle

1 comment:

lexie said...

I like the report Michelle

from Lexie