Christmas Countdown

Thursday, 10 May 2012

The amazing Monarch butterfly 

The monarch butterfly has a little circle thing on top on top of its antenna.  They are orange and black.  It has a thorax which is its middle body part.

It sucks the nectar from the flower.  They eat nectar and suck the out of the flowers with its proboscis which is a tongue like a straw.

They lay eggs on a swan plant.  Males have to dots on their bottom wings and females don’t.  Monarch butterflies use their feet to taste.

The monarch butterflies live in Australia New Zealand America and Mexico.  They live near a place that is warm.  Monarch butterflies live for 6 months or more if they were born in autumn.

It is fun to learn about butterflies.
Butterflies are so cool and awesome.
By  Waima

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