Christmas Countdown

Friday, 4 May 2012

The life cycle of a caterpillar

First the butterfly lays the egg.
The egg is white but it turns brown when it’s ready to hatch.

Next the caterpillar is so tiny that if you were drawing a caterpillar you would have to use a magnifying glass to even see the details in it and the true colour of it.
There are lots of different kinds of caterpillars such the white butterfly caterpillar that eats cabbage and the monarch caterpillar.

Before the caterpillar turns in to a chrysalis it eats lots.
Then when it’s big enough it will hang upside down and soon evolve into a chrysalis.

When the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis its wings are all wet and yucky.
It takes an hour for its wing to dry.
There all kinds of different butterflies.   

By Waima


Miss Y said...

Wow Waima, fantastic writing. You used some excellent verbs and adjectives in there and I just wanted to read more and more :-) We have had lots and lots of monarch butterflies hatch at my new job. It was the first time in my life for me to see a caterpillar turn into a chrysalis and also to see a chrysalis turn into a butterfly. So exciting!

natasha said...

i loved your purple butterfly waima and your writing :)::):):):)

laura said...

good life cycle waima!!!:)