Christmas Countdown

Thursday, 24 May 2012

James' learning video

James' three hundred word story

This is James' three hundred word story we are really proud of James' work.

Nicole's Cockroach Report

Incredible cockroaches

Cockroaches can live about a week with out a head and most can fly but not all.

Cockroaches live in cracks and they live in dark, warm and dry places like your home. They live all over the world.

Cockroaches are small they have 6 legs and their body is flat. They have wings on the back of them and antennae for smelling. They are brightly coloured when they live in the rainforest but they are normally brown.

Cockroaches eat paper, garbage, glue, jam sandwiches and almost anything. They come out and eat at night.

Cockroaches can live for one year. They can live without their heads. They have holes on the side of its body to breath.

Cockroaches are incredible.

By Nicole

Cockroach Report by Waima

The Amazing Cockroach.                      

Cockroaches are amazing creatures.
Cockroaches can sometimes live in your homes because some people’s homes can be nice and warm. Some cockroaches live in the rainforest. Cockroaches can fit in cracks in side of your homes. Cockroaches live all over the world.

Cockroaches eat almost everything. They can eat rotten food or your garbage yuck. They can even eat jam sandwiches.

Their antennae smell food and other stuff. They are mostly brown. Some are brightly coloured if they live in the rainforest.  They have six legs.

When the babies are born they are white then turn brown. They can lay 300- to 400 eggs. Cockroaches spread diseases.

Cockroaches are fascinating insects.

By Waima

Jackson C's Cockroach Report


Cockroaches are fantastic insects

Cockroaches like to live in dark and warm places and the rainforest. Basically they live all over the world.

A cockroach is usually brown and has a flat body covered with an exoskeleton. They have six legs and wings.

A cockroach eats rotten food, garbage and jam sandwiches.

Spiders eat them. They are YUCK!!!!!They can spread diseases. They have white blood. Cockroaches live for a while without their heads. They’re not fussy eaters

Cockroaches are pests.

By Jackson c 

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Amazing spiders

Spiders are very fantastic because they help us.

All spiders can live anywhere but Antarctica .Heaps of spiders live in Australia. they live in webs, water, holes,  water, in flowers, under water and in human houses.

Spiders can be any colours such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, gray and brown. They look very scary but are harmless. They have teeth called fangs. Some spin webs others use it to wrap up it’s pray. Spiders are arachnids. Spiders catch their prey in a large web. Webs are made out of silky string. When the spiderlings hatch out its egg sac they eat each other! 

Do not kill spiders!!!

By Selena


Spiders are one of the most fascinating creatures ever.
Spiders have eight legs, 4pairs on each side. Male spiders are smaller than female spiders. They have two body parts, one of them is called cephalothorax it’s the head and the chest joined. There is also the abdomen the other part of the body. The abdomen keeps its lungs, heart and guts. Have you seen a spider? Its fat, hairy and big and its even got claws on the very tip of its legs.
Spiders live almost everywhere around the world. They live in webs, burrows, houses, trees, flowers and even underwater crazy! Spiders can survive anywhere but Antarctica as long as they have food.
Spiders eat lots of things. They can eat blood, insects and other spiders.
Spiders are not insects they are blue blooded arachnids and so are scorpions. Spiders do not hurt you because spiders are scared of you. Without spiders the insect population will go out of control and disease will spread around. 

Spiders have seven types of silk; one of the silk is for wrapping their eggs so they can be safe. Some silk can be sticky, slimy, transparent and even underwater. There are many types of spiders, you can see them in the corner of your house, and you can also see it almost everywhere. Here are some types of spiders. Daddy long legs, white tailed, grey house spider, nelson cave spider, harvestman spider tarantula, wolf spider. Not all spiders make webs. 

These creepy creatures have survived over 300 years. If you break a spider’s leg you don’t have to worry about it because spider legs can always grow back.
So next time you want to kill a spider think about what you are doing.

By Michelle

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Scary Spiders

Spiders are scary but they are helpful.

Some spiders are helpful.  Without spiders we would have too many insects.

All sorts of spiders can be different colours and they need to be hairy so they can stick to sloping and smooth surfaces. They are scary to some people. Spiders are scary but it’s just the look of them because the jaws of a tarantula and hair makes them look scary. It is interesting because the biggest spider is as big as a dinner plate The smallest spider is the size of a pin head.

When the mother dies the baby spiders sometimes eat her.
Some spiders live for a year and the tarantula can live for 15 years.  Some live in tunnels and under water and sometimes wood.

Their web helps them to catch their food like insects they wrap them up in silk. 

It’s very interesting what spiders can be.

By Alix

Monday, 21 May 2012

Shardia & Caleb's learning reflection

Kirsten & Liam's learning reflection


Spiders are more helpful than you think.

Spiders live in caves , underwater, webs, holes, underground and almost everywhere except antartica .They also live in houses.

Spiders have twelve eyes or less. They have eight legs. They come in different colours.

Spiders eat insects but the tarantula eats small animals.

A male is smaller than the female. Spiders have blue blood. They have claws that help them hang on their webs. Sometimes they keep their food for later by wrapping it in silk.

If their were no spiders the world would be taken over by insects.
By jackson

Ryan's name of pegs

Friday, 18 May 2012

Jackson B's Spider Report

Spiders have venomous fangs that pops out of their jaw.

The spider lives in every continent except Antarctica.  Spiders usually live on cobwebs at the top corner of your house and some spiders live in the water.

Unlike insects only have two body parts called the abdomen and cephalothorax. At the tip of the abdomen they have a part that spins the web. That part is called the spinneret.

Spiders eat very strange stuff. They eat insects and spiderlings even eat their own mom! Tarantulas are so big that that they eat small animals.

Did you know that after a female spider mates it eats the male? When the spiderlings mum dies they eat the dead carcass.

Spiders are weird but amazing arachnids.

Matthew's tower

Kirsten and Laura's learning reflection

Ryan & Logan's learning reflection

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Art - Sketching Bugs

We learned about using a sketching pencil. We learned the names of the bugs and we learnt about symmetry. Bug Sketches on PhotoPeach

Jackson Bs bronze beetle

Jackson B talking about his bronze beetle sketch

The Monarch Butterfly

The monarch butterfly is colourful and it is a small insect.

 The butterfly lives in USA Mexico NZ it goes to a warm place in winter. It lays eggs on a swan plant.         

The monarch butter looks very beautiful with orange and black wings and white dots.

The butterfly eats nectar from flowers and sometimes eats rotten bananas and different kinds of fruit.

The monarch butterfly is poisonous. It pupates into a chrysalis that’s going to hatch.

They are the most beautiful butterfly you would have ever seen.

By Alix
The amazing Monarch butterfly 

The monarch butterfly has a little circle thing on top on top of its antenna.  They are orange and black.  It has a thorax which is its middle body part.

It sucks the nectar from the flower.  They eat nectar and suck the out of the flowers with its proboscis which is a tongue like a straw.

They lay eggs on a swan plant.  Males have to dots on their bottom wings and females don’t.  Monarch butterflies use their feet to taste.

The monarch butterflies live in Australia New Zealand America and Mexico.  They live near a place that is warm.  Monarch butterflies live for 6 months or more if they were born in autumn.

It is fun to learn about butterflies.
Butterflies are so cool and awesome.
By  Waima

Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies are a bright coloured butterfly and they are an insect that has orange wing with black and white dots.
Monarch butterflies live in New Zealand and in winter they leave to go somewhere warm. A butterfly has big bright wings and they have white dots on their bodies.
Monarch butterflies have a big curly tongue called a proboscis to eat with. It can taste with its feet. It eats nectar and the baby caterpillars eat swan plants.
  Monarch butterflies are poisonous .Lavae means two or more caterpillars. Lava means one caterpillar.

They are interesting insects.

By Nicole

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Holly and Kirsten's Time Measurement

Holly and Kirsten share their learning :)

Butterfly art

Some of our best artists made this mural - Kirsten, Tauryn, Michelle and Nicole.

The monarch butterflies hatched

A butterfly hatched today outside our classroom:D

narrated by. Emily.h and filmed by Michelle.c :o

Monday, 7 May 2012

A life cycle of butterflies and caterpillars

First the butterfly comes and lays the egg under the leaf and when the egg is to ready hatch it turns into a caterpillar.

When the caterpillar is born it only eats a little bit it gets fatter and fatter and then it turns into a butterfly they have to dry their wings.

You have to look after it until it can fly away and be free, and then it will turn into a chrysalis.  

By Brianna

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

The transformation of caterpillars to butterflies.

The butterfly comes and lays the eggs.   When the eggs is ready to hatch it will go from white to brown.  When the caterpillars hatches it is microscopic because the egg is so small

When the caterpillar is a bit older it eats and that’s when it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. When the caterpillar is fully grown and tired it goes and hangs up side down and turns into a chrysalis.

 In about 3 days it will turn into a butterfly.  When the butterfly comes out it is a bit scrunched up but when it dries out it is beautiful.

 By Natasha

Slaves in Roman Times

Slaves in Roman.

Once upon a time there lived a king.
He was very rich! But one day, one of the slaves escaped a month later. His name was Androcles. It was a cold and dark night! Androcles had to hide. On a Saturday he was found in a cave. Later on that day he new what he would suffer. Nor did any of the knights know that Androcles had a lion friend and would not kill him because Androcles pulled a thorn out of the lions foot at the cave! The king called for the knights to bring in the chosen lion. Androcles stood very still waiting for the lion to attack but it didn’t. Androcles was so confused then he realized that it was his old pal from the cave! Then the king said “I will now announce that this lion will stay with Androcles and is not my slave any more & will be a prince!” The crowd goes wild. And they all lived happily ever after! And for the king well he became a much nicer king. The lion got named  : Melborn. The end.  

By Lexie

Friday, 4 May 2012

The life cycle of a caterpillar

First the butterfly lays the egg.
The egg is white but it turns brown when it’s ready to hatch.

Next the caterpillar is so tiny that if you were drawing a caterpillar you would have to use a magnifying glass to even see the details in it and the true colour of it.
There are lots of different kinds of caterpillars such the white butterfly caterpillar that eats cabbage and the monarch caterpillar.

Before the caterpillar turns in to a chrysalis it eats lots.
Then when it’s big enough it will hang upside down and soon evolve into a chrysalis.

When the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis its wings are all wet and yucky.
It takes an hour for its wing to dry.
There all kinds of different butterflies.   

By Waima

Wednesday, 2 May 2012