Christmas Countdown

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Can you help?

Room 12 are creating hand-made cards for the Summer Carnival.

We are going to use paper shapes and stamped designs, then collage them together to make some creative works of art.

Are you able to help us with any materials?  We have lots of coloured paper, and the light cardboard to make the cards out of.  If you can help us with any of the following items, please send them to school with your child.
* Paper 'punchies' - not the punch itself, just a whole lot of punched out shapes so that we can collage them.
* Stamped designs - again not the actual stamp, but would you please be able to stamp a whole lot of designs onto paper or light card so that we can cut them out?
* Scrapbooking paper scraps.  Maybe we can upcycle your offcuts?
* Envelopes (to fit an A5 size card folded in half A6???)
* Any other craft items that you think would be useful.

We are having 'crafternoons' each Thursday from 2:00- 2:55 so if you are a crafty person and would like to come and help us please let Mrs. McKay know.

Thank you in advance.

Here are some craft items we have already received, thanks PTA!!!

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